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"If knowledge is power, then curiosity is the muscle." - Danielle LaPorte

Writer's picture: Kelly Kelly

We've all heard the saying, “curiosity killed the cat.” What? Why? I’ve always been a naturally curious person. Oh God, how many cats have I killed?!

Apparently, this phrase is a mutated version of an even earlier expression ‘care killed a cat’, implying that excessive worry, rather than curiosity, could lead to harm.

Phew, because like Dora, I like to explore things! Especially things that people aren’t always comfortable discussing, or don’t fully understand. Death, afterlife, magic, astrology, mental health, human behavior, the list goes on (I have lists for everything). Sure, some people probably think I’m weird, or that my beliefs are “woo woo”, but at least I’m being me. At least I'm taking the time to figure out what I like, and what I don't.

It’s so much easier to just let people assume. We all know how that saying goes, right? When you assume, it makes an ass out of you not me! I may have switched that around a little? I'm not saying I haven't been guilty of this myself, I am however way more aware of when my perspective needs shifting than I used to be.

There are, however, a lot of people out there unconsciously assuming before they attempt being curious. For example, people assume that I know what I'm doing, they assume I’m extremely confident, they assume I don’t give a fuck what others think. Well, these are only partly true, depends on the day. Just because I'm social, doesn’t mean I don’t get social anxiety. Just because I do the things I want to do doesn’t mean I don’t overthink it. Just because I act and appear calm, cool, and collected, doesn't mean I always am! Just because I'm smiling on the outside, the inside could be telling a wayyy different story! We all wear masks and put on facades, it’s a survival tactic. But it’s exhausting! I want to survive, and thrive, without the mask. To just be 100% authentically myself and be good with it. To not worry about being "too much" for some, and "not enough" for others. It’s not my job, or yours, to worry about how others perceive you. Just let them assume!

Time is better spent being curious, rather than assuming or comparing. Comparing your life to that of someone else not only is a waste of energy, but usually just leaves you feeling shitty. I'm speaking from experience. The choice to adjust your perspective however, is entirely up to you.

That's what I've been doing a lot of over the last few years. Making adjustments. To my mindset, my routine, my goals. I had to get to know the new present version of myself by being, wait for it, CURIOUS. I had to ask myself some really hard questions, like “what kind of person do I want to be? What habits and behaviors no longer serve me? Am I letting other people dictate how I live my life? What do I want? Mostly, “what makes me, me?” Omg, soooo many questions! I haven’t figured out all the answers to them, but I definitely know more than I did before, and I’m stronger because of it. (I have astrology, faith, and my amazing therapist to help with that!)

Curiosity is the most beneficial, life-altering superpower a person could possess, so long as they feed it often! Academy Award–winning producer Brian Grazer emphasizes this in his book “A Curious Mind the Secret to a Bigger Life”. If his name doesn’t ring a bell, he worked on blockbusters like Apollo 13, 8 Mile, American Gangster, and A Beautiful Mind. His “curiosity conversations” inspired some of his greatest works of art, just by talking to people and picking their brain, trying to understand how they think.

That’s where I’m at. Maybe because I've so often been misunderstood, which used to really bother me, that I try my best to understand and empathize with the people and situations around me. There’s no guidebook for exactly how the human experience is supposed to go. We’re all just floating on a giant rock in the middle of space doing the best we can!

(But honestly, it would be nice to have a GPS that tells you exactly which direction to take. Not that that would necessarily help me, I am HORRIBLE with direction even with GPS. Siri, can you just say turn left or right instead of north or south?! Help a girl out!)

Some, if not all, of those hard questions I've had to ask myself are really, really uncomfortable. Change can be that way, but it's necessary. I'm learning to be comfortable with that discomfort and lemme tell ya, it takes effort. Publishing this extremely public blog for example! So out of my comfort zone, but something I've always been curious about trying! I can talk very easily with people face to face, but to put my innermost thoughts and feelings in writing for the world to see?! What the actual fuck am I thinking?! Vulnerability is scary and hasn't always been a strength of mine. My advice to you is to lean into it. Try something new. Explore! Yes, it’s nerve-racking. Yes, you might not get it right the first time. Or the second. Or even the third. But what if it worked in your favor? What if you discovered something you didn’t know you had in you all along?

Honestly, I just love to learn. Always have. How can I learn a new skill? How do I do a certain formula in Excel? How can I better myself? What happens after we die? What are the best habits to practice for a healthy lifestyle? What does my birth chart mean? I continue to learn every single day, it’s all trial and error. What I have learned, and know to be true, is that in order to grow, ya gotta face the things that scare the shit out of you and try them anyway! Trying is better than wondering “what if?” I hate the what ifs. They haunt me. What if I had started writing years ago when the idea first popped into my head? What if I had gone to school for art instead of communications? What if I had the guts to do all the things that I want to try? (I know, more questions!) But those what ifs WILL drive you crazy!! Instead, try letting curiosity take the lead!

For me, perfectionism and fear of failure have always held me back. (For my fellow Virgo’s out there…I see you!) But perfection isn’t real. What even is perfect? It’s a fabricated ideal that society has put in our heads since we were born. It's like a cage. I don’t know about you, but I hate feeling caged in. Like, do NOT put me in a box with everyone else, I will claw my way out. We all have something unique to offer and we owe it to ourselves to share it! To learn about ourselves and each other!

So, bust out of whatever box you, or others, have been keeping you in like a hot stripper jumping out of a birthday cake...or Lady Gaga hatching out of an egg! Lol yeah that's how my mind works, but my point is, it’s time to celebrate being perfectly imperfect! Honestly never thought that would be something I would strive for but here we are. Wear your uniqueness proudly, and whatever you do, DO NOT compare yourself to others. Tinx says it best, “Comparison is the thief of joy”!

So, how will you feed your curiosity today? Leave a comment below!


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