Anyone else been patiently waiting for Mercury Retrograde to be over!? Maybe not so patiently? SAME! We have 3-4 retrogrades in Mercury each year! So fun!
Sidebar: There's so many resources out there to help you learn Astrology, literally blows my mind! I had zero idea of the depth and accuracy of it all. Like ogres, astrology has layers! I can feel the eye roll from some of you lol. See your brain did ya?
C'mon guys, open your minds just a smidge and do yourself the favor of really getting to know yourself. Who you are and why is literally written in the stars.
Oh and btw, did you know you've probably been reading your horoscope incorrectly all these years. I was! Most astrologers write horoscopes based on the RISING sign, not the SUN sign. Now go look yours up and see if they make more sense!
I highly recommend plugging your info in here to get your free birth chart. Think of your birth chart as your fingerprint! Oh, and to make it easier I like to switch the settings so that I'm viewing it in Whole Sign House system, but that's your call. Have fun!
"As Above, So Below"
So the saying goes, "As above, so below." It means, everything, including us, is all energy. Anytime energy shifts in the cosmos, we feel it down here too. It's science. But, depending on your birth chart, you might feel it in a different area of your life than your best friend, or your mom, or your fifth cousin twice removed.
Hence, why it's good to get familiar with your birth chart and figure out how to best work with the energies that may surface with collective events; like mercury retrograde!

What Is Mercury Retrograde?
For those who have no idea what retrograde (sometimes abbreviated Rx) means, and even for those that do, it's not as scary a word as some make it out to be. I used to dread it before I learned its real purpose.
adjective - directed or moving backward.
The planet itself that's retrograde isn't actually moving backward, that's all an illusion. It IS, however, moving slower than usual.
Normally Mercury moves faster than the sun, but when it is retrograde, it's slower, and so is the energy it emits. Think of how slow a snail moves. That's how life might feel for those few weeks; like no progress is being made. It's not a time for progress though! it's a time to make your lists and check them twice. Yup. Take a cue from Santa. EXCEPT when it comes to making large purchases, or important decisions. IF those types of situations can be avoided, I suggest waiting it out!

I say IF, because it's not uncommon for opinions and ideas to change throughout a retrograde period. Re-evaluate, check in with yourself and make sure you're still heading in the direction you want. Again, speaking from experience. I got my half sleeve tattoo during a mars AND mercury retrograde back in January and ended up with an infection and needing to withdraw more money than I planned for ...retrograde is not something to fuck with! And before anyone thinks I might just be inexperienced in the world of tattoos, this was my 12th one. I'm well versed in the process, especially now.
How To Get Through Retrograde Unscathed
You can't lol, sorry! No matter how much you prepare for it, or how aware of it you are, no one is 100% immune. BUT! You can make it a little easier on yourself by expecting the unexpected.

Think of it like defensive driving. You know when you can just feel when someone is about to cut you off? So, you ease off the gas a little and BAM! They zig zag in front of you with no f'ing blinker! But you're cool as a cucumber, and maybe even able to laugh about it, because you expected it to happen! That's how you handle a retrograde. I mean sometimes that's just an idiot who should never have been awarded a driver's license, but during retrogrades everything is on another level.
Take deep breaths. Try to respond instead of reacting. Forcing a smile is said to work, read for yourself!
"...even suggests that smiling can help us recover faster from stress and reduce our heart rate."
Deep breathing is a biggie for me. Makes a world of difference, when I actually remember to do it!
What To Look Out For
It's different with each planet. Mercury rules communication and technology, so when it's retrograde it's not functioning at its highest potential, and neither are we. Think hangover.
What once was a nice quick commute to work could end up being riddled with traffic and construction delays. Someone you usually communicate with so openly and easily could completely misinterpret what you're saying, causing an argument.
You have 5G? Cool. Doesn't matter, your internet connection could just completely drop. Mercury can be sneaky and put you in your place real quick. Best to just slice yourself a hearty piece of humble pie!
The universe knows what we need, sometimes before we do. Very similar to the signals we get from our own bodies. Yes, it's a pain in the ass, things could take longer than we want, and we might be starting back at square one, but it's necessary! Try not to fight it. I like to think that re-direction is a form of protection.
Fun fact: Gemini and Virgo's may feel Mercury retrograde periods a little more than others because their ruling planet is already Mercury.
Can Other Planets Go Retrograde?
Every planet except the Moon and Sun can go retrograde at some point, or several points, depending which planet it is. Each one moves at a different pace, Mercury moves every 2-3 weeks (unless it's retrograde - then could be up to 10 weeks), but Pluto doesn't change signs for 12 - 30 years. Big difference!
Pluto Is Currently In Rx
We actually have Pluto in RX, as of May 1, in Aquarius going until June 11. Then it'll go back into Capricorn until October. Not everyone remembers to pay attention to Pluto as closely as they might with Mercury. A lot of people don't even refer to it as a planet anymore. Big mistake. Huge.
Pluto is the planet of transformation! Who doesn't love a makeover?
Isn't that like, the best part of every rom com? When the quiet girl gets this excessive makeover and all of a sudden, she's a Queen like Beyonce and has the wardrobe to go with it? So many classics with scenes like that though! Clueless, She's All That, Never Been Kissed, Miss Congeniality, GREASE! I could go on. *SQUIRREL* (my fellow Disney fans will get that one)
Anyway, Pluto!
Pluto just went from super structured Capricorn, to innovative, freedom loving Aquarius. I know Pluto is transformational, but damn! Think of a scenario where a kid is living under their parents strict rules their whole life, and then suddenly they're free to let their freak flag fly and run AMUCK! Amuck, amuck, amuck.
Whatever house Pluto falls in the natal chart it rarely ends up being an easy area of life. You could experience deep transformation , gain wisdom and insight, or face power struggles, deep fear, and even trauma. The only way out is through, it will be different for everyone!
To check your personal transits click here.
Read the Pluto Rx theme for your rising sign here.
For those of you who also speak alien; my Pluto (transformative energy) falls in Scorpio (determined to reach goals) in my 6th house (daily routine, health and tasks). This squares (challenges) my 9th house (travel, higher learning, spirituality) in Aquarius (unpredictable, unique, creative), where my Midheaven (career goals, life purpose) is. Your head spinning yet? Mine is too.

So what could it mean if Pluto represents transformation, and Aquarius represents progression? For me, a Gemini Rising, Aquarius is the 9th house. The house of expansion —thoughts, travel, higher learning, philosophy, belief systems, and morals.
Sounds pretty on point with my current vibe. I've been strengthening my spirituality through metaphysical practices like astrology and tarot, learning to be aware of all the signs and synchronicities present to guide my actions through intuition, and I'm investing in myself by learning valuable skills for the future. I want to be confident in what I bring to the table, be secure with myself and my beliefs, and stop rejecting failure as if it's something to fear.
My Pluto placement implies that for true fulfillment, I need a job that challenges my creativity and aligns with my values. So on brand, and trust me I'm lookin! Until that fateful event arrives I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing. Transforming and renewing who I was, to who I want to be through combining knowledge and spirituality.
I feel that I'm one step closer to doing that by starting this blog. Zero expectations, might even be a flop! But I have the desire to find new ways to create. To challenge myself and learn!

So, back to what's involved when Pluto goes retrograde. The focus shines on our conscious mind and the power and control it has over our actions and fixations.
Basically, we're doing a tango with our shadow side. The side that's not all unicorns and rainbows. We all have one, we just don't necessarily let everyone see it. Mix that with Aquarius, the sign of science, humanitarianism, social justice, and innovation, it creates a need for rebellion. Again, expect the unexpected.
Transformation + Innovation = one hell of a ride. Hope ya like rollercoasters!
What area of your life might need a deeper look under the microscope?
* If you still think astrology is just a bunch of hocus pocus, to each their own lol not gonna force you to agree! I will, however, continue to spread insight on the topic because TANC - there are no coincidences! Take what resonates and leave the rest!
Other Retrograde Periods to Be Aware Of In 2023
Mercury Rx - communication, travel, technology
in Virgo: August 23 - September 15
in Capricorn & Sagittarius: December 13 - January 1, 2024
Venus Rx - love, sex, beauty, money
in Leo: July 22 - September 3
Jupiter Rx - expansion, good luck, abundance
in Taurus: September 4 - December 3
Saturn Rx - karma, restriction, discipline
in Pisces: June 17 - November 4
Uranus Rx - sudden changes, innovative, unpredictable
in Taurus: August 28 - January 27, 2024
Neptune Rx - ideals, intuition, spirituality
in Pisces: June 30 - December 6
Reflect, revise, re-evaluate!