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Pop Culture Picks

Writer: Kelly Kelly

"Popular culture isn't a freeze-frame; it is images zapping by in rapid-fire succession, which is why collage is such an effective way of representing contemporary life. The blur between images creates a kind of motion in the mind." - James Rosenquist

I absolutely love that quote! I've had it sitting on my phone for god knows how long just waiting to use it somehow!

Pop culture is such a big part of my personality. From constantly quoting shows and movies, to researching behind the scenes details, even basing my art themes around it, it's something that has always inspired me! Soooo, in honor of that, I thought it might be fun to do a mood board or two each month to collage some of the fun things happening in the entertainment world!

Here's some of my favorites:

Ted Lasso

Ok while I don't love that it ended, it always sucks losing a great show, I thought it was one of the absolute best finales I have seen in a long, LONG time. I cried through half of it; for those who have watched, can you blame me?! The messages and lessons embedded in this show are just so heartwarming I can't help myself.

Honestly I've never liked having to say goodbye to characters from my favorite tv shows. Friends wrecked me. It's not as easy to come by a quality comedy, IMO, so when I find a gem, I cling to it! I'm talking shows with actual lol moments, which Ted Lasso effortlessly delivered in every episode.

ted lasso Danny rojas mucho mucho joy

I hope that 1. It's not really over and 2. if it is, please God let there be a spinoff! I'm not ready to let this one go just yet!

Change Your Perspective, Not Yourself - The Shift

Yesssss my girl Tinx, my favorite content creator and influencer, wrote a damn BOOK ya'll! So proud of her! AND! it's really fucking good. The wisdom she imparts on young women (and men!) is priceless. Like this is the kind of guide I only wish I had back in my early 20's, it would've saved me so much time and grief.

Tinx is literally the big sister I never had, even though she's technically younger than me, she's lived such a life already and full of so much wisdom! One of my favorite things about her, she doesn't sugarcoat! She gives raw, honest truth about what she's experienced, how, and what she learned from it, and why our perspectives need serious shifting when it comes to living our best lives. (It must be a Virgo thing.)

Plus, it's funny as hell, Tinx knows how to tell a good story that always has you wanting more!

Tine's new book The Shift

I'm a Barbie Girl

Can you believe the Barbie movie actually caused there to be a global shortage of fluorescent fuchsia pink paint?! Leave it to Barbie, or maybe Elle Woods! I haven't seen the movie yet, but Barbies were a BIG part of growing up for me. I started loving them at a young age, and the obsession just grew over time. I had the car, the house, the boat, and would set up entire neighborhood's and act out scenarios between characters. I've always had quite the imagination!

One of my best friends, who I've known since we were 3, was the only one I really felt comfortable playing them with. We would spend hours together on the weekends acting out the most dramatic scenarios we could think of until we were like 12. It was always a judgement free zone when we were together, hanging onto our inner children a little longer than the rest of the girls who were over barbie's at that point.

So yes, to say I'm excited for this movie is an understatement lol. Plus, I fucking love Margot Robbie and it's been WAY too long since I've seen Ryan Gosling in anything!

barbie and ken from barbie movie

Sex & the City Turns 25!

Happy anniversary ladies! Ha, every time a show or movie does this kind of timestamp celebration I feel like wtf?! Has it really been that long?! AND! Jurassic Park just hit 30! What?!

sex and the city cast

I'll admit I don't watch #SATC anymore, but I still fully support and appreciate the nostalgia. The 90's and early 2000's were the best time for television. Just my opinion, but I feel like it's a fact too, no?

Venus In Leo

This may not seem like a very big deal to some, buttttt I assure you, it is. Venus entered Leo on June 5th, and is setting up camp in that sign through the first week of October. Prepare to feel feisty and passionate, wanting to live life to the fullest!

Venus = love, beauty, harmony

Leo = confident, center of attention, loyal, fierce, here for the drama

Leo in venus
Click Me!

For me, Leo is in my 3rd house of communication, cousins, short distance travel, and intellect. This transit was super literal for me in the sense that around the time it entered its new sign I was traveling back and forth from NJ to NY to see my cousins, one of which who's baby shower it was, so obviously a busy day of enthusiastic communicating! I love when astrology translates so accurately!

You can plug in your birth information here to figure out what this transit could mean for you!

Happy Pride!!

Yasssss happy pride month to all my gays and they's! Love is love, and I loveee to celebrate it! It's unfortunate that something so natural and beautiful, is so harshly judged. I'm extremely thankful for the LGBTQ+ community, we need more of their sparkle!

Disclaimer: To anyone who disagrees, kindly re-direct yourselves off my page.

I support lgbtq+

Summer Kickoff

I thrive in the summer. Laying out at the beach, bbq'ing, bright colors, travel, just being outside in general, it's my season! I think I've had more ice cream for dinner in the last 2 weeks than I have regular food, but no ragrets. Not one single letter.

we're the millers no ragrets

It's a Trust Fall Baby

Pink kicked off her summer world tour on June 7th in England, and it has me SO excited. I get to see her in Philly in September, been wanting to cross her off my concert bucket list for a while now! Pink has always been a favorite of mine since she first stepped on the scene back in 2000. Y2k baby! That year I was in 8th grade, gearing up for what would end up being an amazing four years of high school. Pink was right there with me for the ride, and has been ever since.

pink summer carnival tour 2023
Collaged by Me

Side note. If you guys don't have a bucket list stored somewhere on your phone or your journal, what are you doing?! Ya gotta keep track of your curiosities, plan something fun for you and a friend, or something solo! As Tinx would say, "Having fun is so fun!"

The Little Mermaid

IT'S HEREEEEEEEE!! Omg this movie was a staple in my childhood, obsessed from day one! If you think just because I'm a grown ass 35 year old I won't blast Part of Your World with the windows down singing at the top of my lungs you would be dead wrong. I wanna be where the mermaids are! Can't WAIT to see this, Melissa McCarthy looks like she just CRUSHES her role as Ursula. Anyone wanna share their Disney+ sign in with me?

the new little mermaid movie poster

And now, a collage of all the above!!

pop culture collage by me
I Believe In Pop Culture



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tinkerbell holding a paintbrush wand and a paint palette
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